Self Watering Clay Pots, Wicking, & More – Mother Earth News

Save time and energy with garden watering systems, such as self watering clay pots and wick irrigation, that also minimize weed growth.

I’m looking for time-saving irrigation methods that will get water right to plants’ roots but won’t water weeds. What are the best garden watering systems for these goals?

In her 2015 article Choose the Best Garden Watering Systems, Barbara Pleasant described some of the most efficient watering systems for your garden, including soaker hoses, drip irrigation, and buried reservoirs. These not only grow healthier plants and save water but also minimize weed growth and reduce watering and weeding time. The secret? Feeding water and nutrients to the plants you want and starving out the weeds.

Self Watering Clay Pots

Ceramic-based irrigation systems, such as olla irrigation, buried clay pots, porous clay pipes, and porous capsules, are some of the best watering setups for small plots. Using these self watering clay pots, you can put fertilizer and compost right where the crops will get them. Water moves through clay walls at a rate that is based on plants’ water demands, so weeds have little to grow on, and the dry, open soil between plants will support few weeds. In areas with little summer rain, the difference can be striking. In a recent study, weeds around plants grown with clay pot irrigation weighed 200 pounds per acre compared with 8.5 tons per acre with conventional surface irrigation. Think of the hours — even days! — saved hoeing and pulling weeds. A heavy mulch between plants will control weeds even further.

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Just a couple of years ago, few of these porous clay pot systems were available. Now, there are many olla suppliers. You can also use standard porous terra cotta pots and plug the drainage holes with a rubber stopper, epoxy, or hot glue. Cover the top of the buried pot with a plate from a thrift store or a pot base. Drill a small hole in the lid to let rain in.


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